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news advance your strategies with Healthcare Marketing Pulse

a webinar series for results-focused healthcare marketers

June 18, 2024

Healthcare Marketing Pulse is a five-part series of webinars where we explored the most critical topics impacting healthcare marketing performance: trends and insights shaping strategies; targeting, tracking, and personalization best practices; maximizing performance amid budget constraints; and understanding and applying marketing AI.

We aim to help healthcare marketers gain and maintain a competitive advantage by sharing actionable insights, practical strategies, and emerging tools you can deploy today. Along the way, we share examples from our work with the country’s top health systems and exclusive perspectives from leading-edge digital partners.

Jeremy Mathis, our Vice President of Client Success, hosts the series. He boasts nearly two decades of experience in marketing for hospital systems and healthcare organizations. Various subject matter experts and special guests join him in each session.



trends + insights shaping healthcare marketing

Digital marketing is ever-changing, and health systems must stay on top of evolving trends and insights. Our work with top health systems has given Fathom a unique perspective on what healthcare marketers should focus on. In the first session of our virtual learning series, Healthcare Marketing Pulse, we set the stage for what you need to know about the future of digital marketing.




targeting, tracking + personalization post-OCR Bulletin

Since the OCR bulletin was issued in 2022—and after an update in March made the waters even murkier—health systems have wondered how to continue engaging their audiences, especially with no clear way to differentiate between PHI. This Healthcare Marketing Pulse session will focus on best practices for collecting audience information without violating HIPAA with examples from our work with leading healthcare systems.




maximizing performance amid constraints

Healthcare marketers hold similar goals: improve performance and engage patients. These goals get more challenging to achieve as economic and operational factors restrict budgets and capacity. In this Healthcare Marketing Pulse session, you will learn how precision drives performance to keep your marketing efforts growing despite resource constraints.




introduction to AI for healthcare marketing

Learn how AI is reshaping the healthcare marketing landscape, from personalized patient engagement to predictive analytics. In this webinar, Fathom’s digital marketing and AI experts cut through the hype—and the concerns—by providing a practical guide to the tools, strategies, and frameworks required to lead adoption and improve marketing performance.




applying AI in healthcare marketing

Leading healthcare systems are harnessing the power of AI to energize and revolutionize their marketing strategies. So how does your tech stack, well, stack up? In our final Healthcare Marketing Pulse, (client name, partner name) and Fathom will delve into specific use cases, workflows, tools, and considerations to unlock the full potential of AI in healthcare marketing.


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