Google reverses its position on third-party cookies
a tech turnabout hidden in a blog update

Google is no longer going to deprecate cookies in its Chrome browser. Instead, it will leave it up to users to decide whether to allow cookies as part of their browsing experience, a decision individual users can revisit at any time.
CNBC described this as “a bold move that has some big implications for advertisers and the future of the internet.”
We agree. But we’re not entirely surprised by this Google pivot.
After all, in its most recent update, Google indefinitely delayed a decision on cookie deprecation. It’s clear now that the internet behemoth will no longer lead the industry forward on what privacy-safe advertising looks like, a significant shift from the strategy it’s been pursuing over the last four years.
Here are some of our other initial observations on this development:
- The announcement’s format is interesting: Ironically, the revelation was tucked into a blog post about “a new path for Privacy Sandbox,” a Google-led advertising initiative created to end third-party cookies.
- That same post indicates that Google “would introduce a new experience in Chrome that lets people make an informed choice that applies across their web browsing, and they’d be able to adjust that choice at any time.”
- This suggests that the proposed solution will let users toggle third-party cookie tracking on and off, a function already existing within Chrome’s Privacy and Security settings. This option may become more readily accessible or visible within users’ browsers.
- Despite that grey area, Google’s change of heart emphasizes the importance of individual responsibility for businesses in managing privacy. After all, regulations and laws will remain, if not become more stringent.
Could things change yet again? Of course. As Digiday reported, “If the whole saga of third-party cookies has taught ad execs anything, it’s to expect the unexpected.” (CBS News reports that some governments have already announced that they will investigate the new approach.)
Regardless of what’s to come, we’re committed to helping our clients target valuable audiences in privacy-safe ways to support their goals and marketing objectives. It’s what we do, day in and day out.
If your company or organization could use some direction on this front, please don’t hesitate to reach out.